Pastor Mark serves as our Associate Pastor, blessing us with his gifts of musical leadership, delivering the occasional sermon, and serving in a whole lot of other ways behind the scenes at Trinity. Here are some fun facts about him:
Let's see, music? Well, I was a public school vocal and instrumental teacher/administrator for 31 years. I had a state and national champion marching/concert/drumline bands and held many offices at the state level for the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association. My top band was invited to Russia to tour by their government, won the Toronto International, Washington International and Gatorbowl Marching competitions, and my jazz band won a clinic at the Kennedy Center with Winton Marsalis. My wife and I have collaborated on several musicals and church Cantatas. We strive to involve the arts with our students as a means of outreach.
My family is quite small by Trinity standards with just my wife Denise and my twenty something son Chris. Both are very active at Trinity. You will see my wife with a guitar upfront or running the sound and computers in the back. My son will be the guy behind the camera trying to blend in (he is 6ft and the tallest Edwards in the history of our extended family). We have been a part of the Trinity family for over 25 years.
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