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Thoughts on Basketball Camp

Jesus' famous words, “Let the little children come to me”, can be found in 3 Gospels, specifically in Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, and Luke 18:16. While this is a relatively simple phrase, it profoundly reveals God’s concern for children. At Trinity kids are important and we want to help kids of all ages find life in Christ. One of the ways we help kids to find this life is through basketball camp in July.

As we are preparing for this year's camp we have been talking about what are kids thinking and feeling as they come to camp?

  • I'm scared and nervous coming here. Will I know anyone?
  • I'm not very good at basketball, will I feel awkward?
  • Will I feel valued or will I be encouraged?
  • I have no idea what church is about, what the Bible is, or who Jesus is.
  • I have no spiritual background, will I understand it?
  • What are people in the church like?

I'm sure there are a bunch of other thoughts as kids come here.

Basketball takes about 70 volunteers each night to be onsight but it takes all of us to pray for kids to find life in Christ, and even change families in the process. Would you pray for God to do some amazing things through this camp?

We are praying that kids will find this atmosphere, friendly, kind and they would leave here feeling encouraged and valued. We want them to see that being at church isn't weird but is exciting, challenging and a place to find answers. The reality is that if kids are having a good experience they are more likely to bring mom or dad.

Most importantly we want kids to find life in Christ. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me" so that they can find life. Let's pray together for seeds to be planted in each of these kids.

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